The ToyBox
The ToyBox was a project developed as part of Video Positive 95. The piece was a compilation of artist's works contained on a CD-ROM, published and sold during the festival in Liverpool. Each artist was asked to respond to the idea of creating a piece of work which they would like to find in a digital toybox.
The CD-ROM contained works by the following artists : Justin Bennett, Charlotte Corke, Alison Craighead/Jon Thomson, Jeremy Diggle, Jon Dovey, F(UK), Christopher Hales, Rory Hamilton, Troy Innocent, Peter Maloney, Robert Mettler, Julie Myers, Steve Partridge, Janni Perton, Nina Pope, Roy Stringer, Simon Schofield - Simon Tuner - Jane Wood
Clive Gillman was the Creative Director for the piece and also facilitated and collaborated on a number of the projects.
